Saturday, November 30, 2013

23 things I have learned in 23 years

Today I turn 23 years old.  There really isn't anything to exciting about turning 23 so I decided to compile a list of 23 things I have learned over the years.  So here it goes...

1. Family is everything:  As the saying goes, blood is thicker than water.  No matter how bad you mess up or how mad you may be at each other, at the end of the day, they always have your back. 

2. Things don't always go as planned and that is okay.  Sometimes it is best to go with the flow or have a plan b, c, and d.  One thing to remember is everything usually works out just fine without us having to stress about it.  

3. Always be nice to everyone. Humans all want to feel connected and loved at their core.  Even if all you do is smile, it could change a person's whole day. 

4. Be a dreamer and then work hard. As a kid I always knew I wanted to do something awesome with my life.  My dreams included being a professional singer, a meteorologist, a storm chaser, a choir teacher, a lawyer, a politician, a chef and now a restaurant owner.  With each dream I would go to the library and check out every book I could on the subject or research on the internet.  I would make goal lists and then I would work hard to achieve my goals.  Whatever you choose, dream big and don't give up until you reach those big dreams.

5. It's not all about you. You and I are one person in over 7 billion people on earth.  The world does not and will not ever revolve around us, so instead of thinking first about ourselves, we should think of ourselves last and help someone else.  

6. Your attitude is determined by YOU.  Yes, there are some things that come our way that can make it easier to choose a negative or a positive attitude but in the end, your attitude is your choice.  Choose a good one because it becomes what you are known for. 

7. Don't blame other people for your failures.  Failures are learning experiences and if we don't own up to them, what are we really learning?

8. It's easier to trip up the stairs then it is to fall down the stairs.  (At least it is for me)

9. When you have no idea what someone is talking about, sometimes it is better just to smile and nod your head. Or be honest. :)

10. Selfishness takes away joy. I have found that the times in my life when I had an absence of  joy I was totally consumed with myself and my situations.  When I took a step back and looked past myself, I found my joy again.  No matter what we are going through, someone always has it worse than us.  

11. Boys can be just as dramatic as girls. Trust me, I lived with 4 younger brothers. 

12. Starting the day off with God can change your life. For years I would read my bible at night but starting the day off with God can completely change your attitude, how you look at others, and your humbleness. Not to mention it's biblical. 

13. Your parents...yeah they are usually right.  The older I get the more and more I realize this.  

14. Always carry duct tape the same color as your car. I believe my car is held together by duct tape in at least 2 different areas.  It's your cheapest form of cosmetic repair because you never know when you are going to hit a raccoon the size of a dog.  

15. Always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS shop for deals! Look for coupons, sales, and clearances.  I love to shop online and when I do, I always take a moment to Google if there is an online coupon I can use to get at the very least free shipping.  I save a ton of money!  Also, Amazon Prime,, and eBay are my best friend.  

16. Change is inevitable no matter how much we don't like it.  I am so bad at dealing with change, but I come by it honestly.  Growing up my dad's favorite haircut on anyone was the last one they had, every time. I have learned with time that change is going to happen and though it may take a tough adjustment period, before long, that change will be a normal part of your life that you might actually enjoy more.

17. Books open whole new worlds. I often joke that my best friends are book characters and then I finish and have to find new friends.  I read constantly and I really feel that it helps spark creativity and can take you on some awesome adventures.  

18. The person you think you can't live without, trust me you can.  It may take some time to get over them but as the saying goes, time heals all wounds and then you are just left with a memory.  Cherish the memories but know that it is okay and normal to move on.  

19. Cooking is as simple as following a recipe. I don't believe the people that tell me that they can't cook. Can you read and follow directions?  If you can do that, you can cook.  Just believe in yourself.  

20. If you are confident enough to hang out with yourself then you can be content in a lot of life's circumstances. Sometimes a nice evening to yourself can be the most relaxing and rejuvenating ones of all.  

21. You are not ready to date until you are ready to get married.  Save yourself the heartbreak, the money, and the temptation.  If you are not old enough or emotionally ready enough to get married tomorrow then my advice is have fun hanging out with everyone. 

22. Write! Whether it's in a planner, a journal or a blog. Write down your thoughts. I kept a diary as a little girl, a spiritual journal throughout my teenage years, and now since I have started this blog I have absolutely loved looking back and being able to see where I have come, and the memories I have made.  Expressing yourself through writing is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.  

23. Know that no matter what happens in life that you have a God that created you, loves you, and will always be near even when we have stepped away.

These are just a few of the things I have learned over the years. I am so blessed with the life I have been given. These past 23 years only make me look forward to the next 23+.

Until next time!


 Some baby pics of me from the younger years...

Monday, November 25, 2013

Music Monday: Justin Timberlake

This past Monday I took a spontaneous trip to Memphis, TN to see one of my favorite performers! My all time favorite boy band growing up was Nsync. I would dress Devin (my younger brother) up in a cool vest and hat and we pretended we were actually part of the band and sang and danced for several afternoons.  I have the video at home and if I can, I will try to post it at some time in the future because it is quite comical. I even had a huge, and I mean huge blue Nsync watch that played the song Bye, Bye, Bye when you pushed a button.  That watch ruined many a photo because it didn't match with anything I wore and did I mention it was HUGE!  So, on Friday before the concert my brother and I decided that we were going to make the trip to see the lead singer of Nsync and now one of our favorite solo artists, Justin Timberlake.  We got a pretty good price on concert tickets and devised a plan on how we were going to get there on time.   I had to work the day of and the following day but I decided that sleep was a sacrifice I was going to have to make.

Devin got to the hotel around 4:15 and we headed to Memphis.  We worried that with construction we wouldn't make it in time but we got really lucky and had no traffic problems both ways.  When we arrived I can't even tell you how pumped we were!  We decided to grab some food and head down to the FedEx Forum where the concert was being held.  Before we had left the hotel, I had reserved a parking pass about 2 blocks from the arena so that was a big relief not to have to find parking! We then took a few pictures on Beale Street and headed in the arena.

Once we got to our seats I made the not so great revelation that I just happened to be sitting by the most annoying concert goer ever.  She started the night off with casual conversation that went something like this: name, where she from, excited to see the show, are you here with your boyfriend-no that's my brother, this is my boyfriend and my girlfriend (What?). She proceeded to tell me how much she had gotten her tickets for...$430. My mouth dropped open.  I paid a fraction of that price and I was one seat closer to the stage. Anyway, she was drunk before the show started. She kept telling my to loosen up and hitting me when she did. The show hadn't started and we had about an hour.  She offered to buy me drinks all night if I loosened up.  I didn't know I wasn't loose but apparently I was to her.  I graciously declined and tried to divert my attention elsewhere when I heard her and her two concert buddies getting into it.  Next thing I know, I have beer all over my boots.  Not cool.  She got up and left and 10 minutes later called her girlfriend telling her she had left the arena and they needed to leave.  I was sitting there silently praising Jesus.  I was also praying that this was like most other events I had been to where you are not allowed to reenter.  Unfortunately I was wrong.  They came back right at the beginning of the show and for most of the first hour she kept poking me telling me to get into it.  I, trying to not punch her in the face, just took a deep breath and ignored her until she stopped.  Sometimes, you have to do what you have to do.

Other than the crazy person next to me, the show was incredible.  Justin is by far one of the best entertainers our generation will ever see.  He can preform with the greats.  He sang for an impressive 3 hours.  Both me and Devin left in awe and talking about how he is definitely one of the best shows we had seen.  I would dub Justin Timberlake as the Michael Jackson of this generation.

I am so lucky to be able have crossed off pretty much all of my concert dream list by the age of 22.  I am so thankful my parents instilled in me the love of music of all forms from such a young age.  Music is one language I could speak forever.

What is your favorite music memory?

This is the watch I was talking about.  And look there, it's Justin Timberlake in digital form!
It was JT day in Memphis!  This was on Beale Street.
Devin and I in front of the JT day sign!
Where the magic happened.
We were a bit excited...notice the headline in the background.

Great light show!
Part of his stage moved out into the audience and he was above the crowd singing!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

An Evening of Extravagance, Opus Ball 2013

One of the coolest parts of my job at the hotel is that I get a behind the scenes view of a variety of events.  I have been fortunate enough to see these events from almost every side whether I was cooking for one, serving for another, or even organizing.  Last night, I got to put on my organizing hat and went to work along with a few others to make sure the event timing was just right.

The Opus ball is a charity ball to help fund the symphony.  For the past five years the Capital Hotel has been the host of this event.  During the event the hotel was shut down to the public and transformed into a space fit for such a grand occasion.  The hotel alone is absolutely stunning without much decor, but once they added the gorgeous beaded linens to all the tables, the spectacular flower arrangements, the scrumptious food, beautiful gowns, and harmonious music, what was created was nothing short of enchanting. I have never been to such a prestigious event. Not that I wouldn't be invited (haha), you just usually need to have generous pockets, and being a broke almost college graduate, it seems as if my pockets are almost sewn shut for some reason.  For that, I am glad I got to experience the event from some aspect.  

The evening started off with appetizers while everyone mingled and bid on the silent auction items that were donated for the affair.  Everyone looked elegant in their tuxes and ball gowns. It was interesting to see all the different colors, styles, and jewelry the women had on.  Some choices were more "interesting" than others. About 7 o'clock the attention was drawn to the platform set up in the center of the lobby.  On stage the chair's for the symphony introduced the evening and then handed the microphone over to the host and the auctioneer for the live auction. The live auction items ranged from a fancy stay at the hotel for you and your closest friends including dinner and tickets to the symphony, to tickets to the Masters in Augusta or a trip to Cabo. There were one of a kind pieces of jewelry and even your chance to conduct the symphony.  No matter what it was, it was sure to be exciting!  Immediately following the auction was dinner.  Dinner included a four course meal that was fit for a king!  Below are pictures and a description of each course. The night concluded with dancing to the tune of a 24 piece band.  It was a night to remember for sure and an event planners dream. 

One thing I think I will take away from this event is that when you stage an event like this and you plan for everything and cover all your bases. If something happens to change things slightly it isn't that big of a deal. The ball went off with out a hitch and it was probably one of the most beautiful parties I have seen.  

Hope these pictures and my words can help take you there! 

Before the event! 

Tables in the ballroom.  It looked like a snowflake ball!

Set up in the bar and grill before the tables were set.
Ashley's remained the same decor because it is already elegant and people enjoy it remaining the same. 
The two banquet rooms upstairs were set up exactly like the ballroom except with gold table cloths instead of silver. 

The two interns ready to work the ball!  Kelly has become a great friend during this internship.
The outside of the hotel before hand. 
The red carpet was rolled out.

Let the fun begin! 
The chair's of the symphony!
Yellow Fin Tuna Tartare with Avocado
Basil Sorbet
Slow Cooked Flat Iron Steak with Butternut Squash and Red Wine Sauce
Pecan Kitt Katt with Caramel Sauce
The Opus emblem on the chocolate.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Walking on the Wild Side...of Little Rock

Hey everyone! 

Last Sunday, my cousin text me and asked if I would like to go on a walk with her, her mother, and a friend. It was a really pretty day outside and I didn't have any plans after church so I decided to join.  Let me just say, it was an awesome decision.  You know those decisions that you look back on and go I am so glad I didn't stay at home lounging on the couch or taking the beloved Sunday afternoon nap (which I would never EVER criticize anyone for because that is usually my tradition) but by deciding to go on this walk I discovered how great the trails are in Little Rock.  

Little Rock is one of if not the only place in the country that has not one, or two but three bridges built just for pedestrian and cyclists to enjoy.  There were more cyclists than I had ever seen in person and everyone and their dog(literally) was out enjoying the beautiful weather. The trail we went on is down by the Arkansas river and it is absolutely majestic.  If you have never been to Little Rock, AR and want something fun and free to do, I suggest to get moving and check out some of these trails if weather permits.  If I stay in Little Rock long enough, I want to climb to the top of Pinnacle mountain.  So much to do, so little time!  

Enjoy the photos and enjoy the weather before it gets too cold! 
