Saturday morning I woke up at 5:45 a.m. to get ready for one of the biggest days of my life. For me though, it felt a little different then most of the students that I would be walking with. When you graduate typically you feel like you are saying goodbye to your college life and stepping into adulthood. You say goodbye to the town that held so many memories and it is a mixed emotion of pride and sadness that the part of your life when you really embraced your freedom and had the least amount of responsibilities you will ever have as an adult. For me, I had already said goodbye to Fayetteville, AR. I said goodbye back in May at the end of my last semester. I had already been out in the work world doing an internship and applying for jobs. That sense of sadness at leaving college wasn't there for me because honestly, I felt like I had already done it. To me, Saturday just left the emotion of pride. I was proud that I had finished and finished strong.
One of the best parts of the ceremony was getting to sit by one of my best friends and my college roommate for the last two years of college. It was a memory I will never forget. My parents all came for the occasion, as well as my brothers, uncles and grandparents. A few years ago my Uncle Pat had my grandmama's (my mom's mom) wedding ring broken up and set into some earrings for me. On my 18th birthday I opened the box to find these delicate earrings that held so much history and meaning for me since my grandmama had passed away from Lou Gehrig's disease when I was in the 3rd grade. A couple of years later my granddad passed away unexpectedly too so it made the earrings even more special. I had never found a good enough excuse to wear them until Saturday. As I put them on I felt like both of them were there with me getting to experience it as well. Such a treasure I will hold close forever.
So what's next? That is the question every college grad without a job dreads. Honestly, I am not 100% sure for one of the first times in my life but I have learned that it is okay not to know right away. I am taking my time to find the right job for me. No, I am not going to be the college graduate that moves home for forever to "figure it out" haha. Within the next few months I hope to make some serious progress and I already have some great leads. Keep an eye out for what's next.
Thank you for cheering me on in my journey. It really means the world to know I have to support of so many. I will be continuing to post special interest pieces and things that are going on in my life. This has just been the start! As I have always said, "This is the end of the chapter of this part of my life, the next one is only beginning. I don't know what it may hold but I am sure excited to start writing it."