Sunday, May 25, 2014

Never Say Never...Job News

Hello friends,

I know it's been a while and I am hoping to change this.  I was in a slump for a couple of months trying to find motivation and inspiration in a time of my life that was challenging.  Since Decemeber I felt like my life was in limbo, not knowing where I would be and when I would be there.  During this time the one thing that stayed consistent was my prayer life and my walk with Christ.

Since I graduated from college my prayers started to change a little and instead of them being "God please help me get this job or that job" it became more of a "Lord, show me what you want me to do, I only want to be where you want me."  I had no idea where this prayer would lead me but I sincerely prayed and trusted that God would provide my needs.  Through praying and listening and Him revealing some pretty cool things to me I can whole heartily say I am where I am suppose to be at this point in my life.

I am finding that God usually uses the things you say you will NEVER do and that is generally where He inserts His sense of humor.  For those who know me well, you might have heard me at one point or another in my life saying I will never be in or marry into ministry or military.  I just knew it wouldn't be the easiest life and to me I thought it would never be for me.  I am learning to just like the Bieb's to never say never.  I will be continuing my job at Community Bible Church Van Buren but stepping into a different role. As of now I will be working directly with children's ministry and worship as well as assisting in the youth ministry.  I have never been more happy in my life or more excited to go to work everyday.

Some might question my move out of my degree platform, to those who question I answer simply, what is hospitality if not examining it's very core.  Hospitality is the art of loving on and serving people.  This is what I get to do daily.  I don't know how long God is going to keep me here but right now, I feel 100% confident I am obeying my call and serving Him.

If you ever want to talk about anything, or go to an amazing church that completely teaches the love and grace of Jesus Christ let me know.  I would absolutely LOVE to save you a seat!

My favorite song right now comes directly from an old hymn called Be Thou My Vision and is really an overall prayer for my life.  These words are my theme:
I don't want riches or man's empty praise, you're my inheritance now and always.  You and You only the first in my heart, high King of Heaven my treasure You are!